Friday, July 31, 2009


Well, here goes nothing. I arrived in Amman a couple hours ago after about twenty hours of travel. Surprisingly, there were no immediately apparent complications, and considering that this is a Eastern Mediterranean bureaucracy and transit system, I am awed.

On my flight from London, we flew over the tip of Cyprus, Tripoli, and Damascus. I could see Bab Tuma from the air, and I wish I could go back, but I get how important unfamiliarity is during a Watson adventure. No point in re-doing an old trip.

My friend Manaf (our uncles know each other) picked me up at the airport and took me to his house, where I'm staying tonight before I move into a normal apartment tomorrow. We drank tea and ate takeout, a good introduction ro the city. This is probably the nicest place I'll stay all year. Only for tonight though, it's gold everything. And there's a servant. Not sure how to feel about that.

Anyways, I hung out with Manaf (who's a doctor), his brother Abdullah (who is training to be a pilot), and one of their friends who is Jordanian-American.

I wish I had more substantive news to share, but alas, I do not. I should end by saying no jokes in the comments about Abdullah's career training, and I wish I would've named this blog "listening to Taylor Swift in Amman."